5, 7, or 9+ Days
The past if everywhere in France. A drive down a country road may reveal a crumbling 13-century chateau or a farmhouse from the Middle Ages. Roman baths, pagan alters from the Celtic days. Gothic cathedrals and moated castles bring history to life.
France’s geographical variety is as colorful as its history. While the country has produced some of the world’s greatest artists and writers, many of them have found it difficult to portray the almost infinite variety of scenery. Landscapes vie with proper Gaelic reserve for the acclaim of visitors.
The fresh prettiness of northwestern Normandy’s lush vegetation quickly changes to the stern beauty of Brittany’s gray jagged coastline and sea-battered cliffs. O the eastern side of the country, eternally white Mount Blanc, highest peak of the Alps, faces southward from the Swiss and Italian borders across sunlit hills and plains toward the warm Mediterranean Sea.
Trip Options:
5,7, or 9+ day excursions which include tours of Bayeux, Beaune, Bordeaux, Cannes, Giverny, Limoges, Lourdes, Paris, Versailles, and Normandy Beaches.